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The 2025 Granfondo Schedule in the Veneto of Italy that Your Cycling Italia bicycle touring company will participate.
If you are looking to do a great ride on your next cycling vacation, consider participating in a Granfondo. Northern Italy has some of the more famous granfondos in the area such as the Granfondo Sportful (formerly the Campagnolo), La Pinarello Cycling Marathon (Including the Salto della Capra “Jump of the Goat” Climb), and the Granfondo Monte Grappa. For those interested, follow the blue link for our updated 2024 Granfondo schedule in the Veneto region of Italy that Your Cycling Italia bicycle touring company will participate.
YCI is located in the heartland of Italian cycling, the ideal spot for a cyclist’s vacation. The regional racing scene is thriving, and every year there are several very famous granfondo events. An Italian granfondo is similar to an American organized century event, with a planned route and periodic rest stops that provide food and water. If you’ve enjoyed the camaraderie and support provided during an American century-type ride, you’ve got to try an Italian granfondo at least once. If you like American Style Granfondos …..then ride an Italian Granfondo
Vintage style.

Now the rage is going back in time and donning your wool cycling attire and dusting off your late 1980’s exposed cable bike with down tube shifters and toe clips. This is the prerequisite you need in going out riding the dirt roads, ”Strada Bianca”of these vintage Granfondos in Italy. YCI’s location places us within striking distance of a couple dozen events each year—some very large and prestigious, others more intimate and run by passionate local clubs. We can help you register for and get to and from many any of these. See our listing of 2016 granfondo events below and contact us to schedule your Italian vacation around one.
What is a Granfondo?
Granfondo means “long distance or great endurance” bicycle ride, which is a popular European sport. A granfondo event is like riding, for example, a day of the Giro d’Italia, a 200km ride, a race for some… with 3 or 4 major climbs! Usually a Medium or Short Fondo of 100km with 2 to 3 climbs is also available, you choose your distance depending on how you feel and what your friends choose to ride.
A granfondo bicycle ride has a mass start of thousands of cyclists that weave through the city streets up along river valley’s that ascend into the mountains. There are young and old, male and female, beginner to pro… it is a great place to test your endurance and cycling ability in this group ride! The atmosphere is festive as you feel the excitement and energy when you pass through small villages while the town’s people line the road to encourage and cheer you on!
The start of the ride reminds me of the thrill and excitement of a runner’s marathon race! There you have the Elite group of racers start first and then all the thousands of Amateur cyclists lined up behind the Pro’s for their shot at conquering the course and pushing themselves to finish or get a personal best performance. The Elite cyclists are fortunate since they have closed roads and support vehicles, while the rest of the riders may be riding on open roads and rely on Feed Zones and Pit Areas located at the summit of the climbs for refreshments and bicycle help. After you finish the ride, the hospitality food tent is a good place to refuel your depleted body and meet up with your friends to prepare for your next cycling event.
Just recently some granfondo organizers feel a professional race environment has crept into this organized bike ride and have done away with the Elite racers. A move to make the events atmosphere less competitive and feel more relaxed for the Amateur cyclists and bring the Granfondo event back to its origins of being a great bicycle ride! Visit granfondo web sites for details in determining the type of ride program that may interest you.
Learn more about our daily bike rides and organized cycling events and races.

Cosa aspetti? Register now! What are you waiting for?! Register online or contact us!
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