Cycling vacations at Your Cycling Italia reflect the best of Italian culture and lifestyle. Our bike touring routes in Italy are challenging, and many of our guests like to push themselves. But we’re not out there to suffer for suffering’s sake—this isn’t a Spring Classics race—so most of our daily rides, and as well as the local granfondo cycling events, include great scenery and rest stops as well.
Forget what you know about American-style breaks; we don’t dash into a 7-11 for a Gatorade. We typically stop at a nice Italian cafe or bakery to enjoy cappuccino and brioche, espresso and biscotti. Or even a mid-morning, guilt-free gelato if it’s hot out. There’s nothing like climbing for an hour in the mountains and then rewarding yourself with a little bit of dolce vita.
If you are looking to do a great ride on your next cycling vacation, consider participating in a Granfondo. Northern Italy has some of the more famous granfondos in the area such as the Gran Fondo Sportful (formerly the Campagnolo), La Pinarello Cycling Marathon (Including the Salto della Capra “Jump of the Goat” Climb), and the Gran Fondo Monte Grappa. For those interested, follow the blue link for our updated 2016 Gran Fondo schedule in the Veneto region of Italy that Your Cycling Italia bicycle touring company will participate.
If your Italian cycling vacation coincides with a professional bike race, such as the Giro d’Italia in May, we can also arrange to watch any stages nearby. There’s nothing quite like seeing the pros race up the same climbs you did the day before. See more on our Giro page.
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